

Keywords for Google Images search:

found objects art
found object sculpture
altered skull sculpture
dia de los muertos
day of the dead
collage sculpture

above image from:


For your own skull, you may choose to physically alter it (as above with antlers) or simply paint it (top, in pink). You MUST keep your skull on its stick, but you may embellish the stick as long as at least ONE INCH remains untouched at the bottom (for display purposes).

add to your skull
open your skull
paper your skull
paint your skull
coat your skull

lose the shape of your skull... it must read as a skull when you are done with it!

More from the Vader Project

You may be able to check out all the images here:

The Skull Project

Our new project is a mixed media installation. You will all be given the same object to transform. We will explore several works by artists who transform the mundane, work with multiples or participate in group installations.

The inspiration for The Skull Project is The Vader Project. Though we are not working with a pop culture icon like Darth Vader, the skull is a very recognizable and symbolic object. It is something that we all have within us, and something that every person and every culture interprets differently.


Many of you have completed your Self Portraits. I am very impressed with the range of drawing styles within our class. You have tackled a very challenging and tricky project head on. I am proud of you for working with the grid system to improve your drawing abilities. Your work will be posted here soon.

Great work, grade 11s!

Teresa Burrows

Teresa Burrows stopped by the Visual Arts room on Friday. October 8th at the request of Ms. Karlinsky. Teresa not only brought samples of her intricate beadwork for the students to examine, but a wealth of slides featuring her phenomenal talent working with paint, sculpture and mixed media.

Jennifer S. pointed out that the stories behind the images added to the pieces. Students were impressed with the artist's patience in working on a single piece for 3 years! Students found the artist's use of animal imagery, cultural tales and current events intriguing.

We were lucky to have such a strong and intelligent artist share her unique perspective with us.

Thank you Teresa! We hope to see you again!
Above: Strange Angel by Teresa Burrows

Conceptual Art

Today we talked about big ideas in the art world. We examined the work of artists who made bold and sometimes shocking statements about how they perceive the world around them. From the Dadaists at the turn of the last century to 90s icon Damien Hirst, we looked at gallery installations and environmental art.

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, Damien Hirst, 1992
Fountain by Marcel Duchamp, 1917

Jim Henson vs. James Cameron

Today we watched the first part of The Dark Crystal. Directed and designed by Jim Henson et. al. in 1982, The Dark Crystal is so much more than a Muppet movie. Topic of discussion: Would CGI exist as it does today if Jim Henson hadn't died young?

Keep the Skeksis, Mystics and Gelflings in mind while working on our next project!

Shout Out!

Thank you very much to Chantel H. for sending me such great links! We will watch some of the tutorials and videos in class for sure.

Ms. T